VULCA Seminar & VOW Assembly 2024

Oh GOSH! Bioart and DIWO Communities in a global Context
11-22, 18:10–18:30 (Europe/Berlin), Atrium 1
Language: English

Talk von Marc Dusseiller, in der es um seine jahrelange Arbeit als reisender (Bio)Hacker und Open Science Hardware Enthusiast geht, der mit der Heimatbasis Zürich europaweit und bis nach Asien (Indien, Taiwan, Indonesien, Thailand) an und über Grenzen geht.

Talk by Marc Dusseiller, about his years of work as a traveling (bio)hacker and promoter of open science hardware, who, from his base in Zurich, goes to and across borders throughout Europe and Asia (India, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand).

Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr is a nomadic researcher and workshopologist, Co-founder of SGMK and Ambassador of the Global Hackteria Network.